Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Last Socially Acceptable Discrimination

Well folks, if many of you know me...I'm a big man...REALLY big. So, in this time, when we abhor racism, gay bashing, sexism, religious discrimination (except those damn Christians...we can bash them pretty good, safely), there remains one unspoken, unbridled discrimination you can all safely participate in:

Bashing those disgusting FAT people.

In a society where looks and body can turn a dolt into a "leader", the one remaining legal and ethical discrimination, is to take opportunities away from people who eat too much, and exercise too little. Even though scientific research has established a clear "genetic" factor in metabolish for obesity (much clearer than the "crap" science I hear to try to tie genetics to homosexuality, by-the-way), but, you see, gay people often LOOK good. They dress well, they are often slim, trim, well groomed.

Now, fat, geeky, intelligent folks...its OK to infer that their looks, their "habits" and their appearance, are an impediment. In fact, they may be smarter, more qualified, but see, NOBODY will listen to them, because they LOOK horrible! Oh my, the advances in human civilization that have been missed because a fat slob proposed them.

Who LETS these folks change the criteria from good ideas and great thinking, to what dress or shirt size the person wears? Why, WE do. Who establishes the "standard" that "beauty" is the most desirable thing, more important than intelligence, wisdom, character, and integrity? WE DO. All of us. We MAKE this happen, with our shallow, sex driven thinking...our vanity, our obsession with appearance. We allow our baser desires to sway our logical thinking. And its just the same as the injustic of sexism, racism, homophobia. Its EXACTLY the same thing as all of those things...but many of those folks would REJECT that, saying, "Well, those folks could eat less, and get some exercise, for goodness sake". Hmmm, I seem to remember people saying:

"Blacks bring it on themselves, by behaving that way"

"Women bring it on themselves, being sexy and slutty"

"Gay people don't have to stick in our faces"

Where's the difference? Even blacks, women, and gays, HATE fat people. Everyone does, admit it.



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Human Existence: Faith Not Optional


It's time for me to get metaphysical here...just bear with me a second. You see, there are many, scientists, intellectuals, haughty psuedo intellectuals, that would have us all believe that Faith is a crutch. It's a sign of intellectual immaturity. That it is what the simple-minded and ignorant embrace because they are too stupid, too stuborn, too SOMETHING to simply use their brains.

Well, I have a few questions for these folks:

1) How do you KNOW your perceptions are correct? You have to have made some assumptions right? You have to assume that your perceptions are all you have to with which to experience reality. That, without that, well, its all pretty irrelevant, isn't it?

2) We can explain nearly everything around us by basic physics, chemistry, geology, biology, genetics. We KNOW a lot. In fact, we can theorize back to the mega singularity from which something we postulate called a "big bang" actually occurred. We can see background radiation left over from this big bang. We know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING, except...what caused the big bang? We can even have FANTASTICAL discussions about M Theory, String Theory...and we can scoot ever so closer to explaining how membranes in 11 dimensions collided to create the big bang. But, where did those 11 dimensions and those membranes come from?

3) We know that random chance and the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, came together to spontaneously form life. That it happened because of a lot of time, alot of chemistry, and alot of coincidence. We understand DNA, how all "living" things have it. We share "code" with plants and worms, and monkeys. What do we think the probability of all this happening is?

4) We know that we don't need FAITH, we have science, the scientific method, and our own minds and intellects. FAITH is for dummies. Right?

It takes FAITH in bucket loads, for anyone to exercise the scientific method. Loads of it. FAITH that if you perform an experiment 100 times, and 100 times the outcome is the same, that this tells us something. FAITH that our observations have not altered the outcome significantly (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle).

It takes FAITH to believe that something (not God, certainly not God, but SOMETHING...lets call it infinite time and infinite materials, and infinite chance) caused all of our reality to exist. don't call it God...but I do. Both probabilities are similar in magnitude. So...who is more "metaphysically" correct, since NEITHER of us can explain everything around us with physics and science, not all the way back to whatever existed before physics.

It takes FAITH to believe that even though we don't have answers for how 11 dimensions really work, or how they caused the Big Bang, or how our universe REALLY works, at the smallest and largest levels, however, we don't need a God...that takes FAITH doesn't it?

So...before you haughty, self-absorbed, pompous intellectuals sneer at me for my FAITH...come to terms with your faith. You use it every just apply it to yourself, and the belief that no God exists...while I apply it to an intelligent, designer, Creator, who had the power to conceive and architect this reality we live in. Who's philosophy is more intellectually sound? The both seem to have ALOT of FAITH in them.



Sunday, June 1, 2008

Politics is Applesauce!

I'm quoting Will Roger's here...many of you probably don't know about him. He was an "enigma" of a humorist/comedian, in the 1920-30's that looked like a hick/hayseed/cowboy, but often said things that just made you stop and think. I can't find any "context" for this statement...but I like to say (I've made this up, actually), that he said this highly quoted phrase, when a reporter asked him, "Will, what do you think about politics?". I also like to embellish it to say that after this famous quote, the report said, "What?", to which Will Rogers replied, "Eeeexactly!"

I must admit, I don't logically understand politics. To me, it is manipulation at its finest. It's lying with flag waving and baby kissing. Its the process by which we passionately empower someone to take our money, dissapoint us, ruin our lives, take away our freedom, lift our hopes and dreams to the heights, and dash them to the seedy, trash ridden, ticker-tape and confetti stewn streets. Of course, that's the cynic in me coming out. But, maybe that's why America liked Will Rogers so much. He was a cynic, wrapped in a simpleton's outfit, saying pseudo-positive things like, "I never met a man I didn't like". Well, I, unfortunately, HAVE met many men and women I don't like...many of them politicians.

I guess the thing I don't like about politics, is that it appears that no one holds the politician, accountable. I mean, we make noises like we do. We vote the Republicans in, are disspointed, vote the Democrats in as a result (who make similar promises which are broken), and we all act like progress is made..."There, that will show those lousy politicians". Meanwhile, most or all of them are millionaires, have book deals, take vacations to places we've never heard of, and probably don't lose any sleep at night over the fact that our kids are going to college next year. do you even "wrap up" a blog like this one? Even while writing it...the motivation to finish it has left me. I can't even get excited about anyone. If leaders have followers, where is any one of these folks being presented to us going? What ARE their answers? I'd just like ONE of them to answer some of the following questions:

What is the future of the American economy?
How do we solve terrorism?
Er, um, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, applesauce...boring stuff applesauce...hardly worth discussing.

